Рабочая группа 2 «Развитие внутренних рынков» (WS2) Консультативного Совета по газу Россия-ЕС и Неформальные консультации экспертов России и ЕС по вопросам регулирования газового рынка ЕС (Informal Consultations)
По состоянию на 2020 год основная тематика деятельности Рабочей группы 2 сосредоточена на роли газа в низкоуглеродном развитии ЕС, формировании водородной энергетики в Европе и России, перспективах декарбонизации и углеродного регулирования в ЕС.
До июля 2018 года заседания Рабочей группы 2 проводились совместно с Неформальными консультациями экспертов России / Группы Газпром и представителей энергетических регуляторов и операторов газотранспортных систем стран ЕС и Еврокомиссии.
33th WS2 Meeting
December 11, 2020, online
32th WS2 Meeting
November 13, 2020, online
31th WS2 Meeting
September 18, 2020, online
Discussion paper by Core team GAC WS2
- Francisco P. de la Flor (Gas Infrastructure Europe): EU-Russia Dialogue - Methane emissions reduction
30th WS2 Meeting
July 13, 2020, online
- Dr Prof A. Konoplyanik (Gazprom Export, Co-chair WS2): GAC WS2 - reflection on GAC WS2 evolution to its 30th meeting
- K.D.Borchardt (European Commission, Deputy Director General DG ENERGY, Co-chair GAC): A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe (basic document for presentation)
- K.D.Borchardt (European Commission, Deputy Director General DG ENERGY, Co-chair GAC): Powering a climate-neutral economy: An EU Strategy for Energy System Integration (basic document for presentation)
29th WS2 Meeting
October 21, 2019, Berlin
Co-chairs WS2): Discussion on potential joint research on key decarbonization issues of mutual interest- T. Kehler (ERDGAS): Hydrogen from natural gas – the key to deep decarbonisation
- B.L. Bull-Berg (Equinor): The Equinor way; natural gas reforming and carbon capture and offshore storage (CCOS)
- S. Eikaas, B.L. Bull-Berg (Equinor): CCS and Hydrogen Projects
- Ch. Riechmann (Frontier Economics): Potentials of sector coupling for decarbonisation - Regulatory barriers in linking gas and electricity sectors
- F. De la Flor (Gas Infrastructure Europe): Methane Emissions. Activities of the European gas industry
- E. Orlova (WS2 secretary): New way to GAC WS2 materials
28th WS2 Meeting
March 29, 2019, Brussels
- A. Konoplyanik (Gazprom Export,
Co-chair WS2): Evolution of EUlow-carbon policy/vision — and prospects ofRussia-EU cooperation within GAC WS2: challenges & bifurcations (introductory remarks of the WS2co-chair ) - A. Kitous (DG ENER): Future gas demand in the EU EC’s Long Term Strategy
- J. Chatzimarkakis (Hydrogen Europe): Hydrogen Europe
- J. Stern (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies): Narratives for Natural Gas in Decarnonising European Energy Markets
M. Poltrum, G.
Muller-Syring , E. Dannenberg, A. Wehling, J. Glandien, M. Henel, F. Mohrke, F. Ortloff (BDI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Bergische Universitat Wuppertal,DVGW-Forschungsstelle amEngler-Bunte-Institut ): Transformation pathways to greenhouse gas neutrality of gas networks and gas storage after COP 21 -
A. Abanades (
ETSII-UPM ): Direct decarbonization of natural gas: A key technology into the energy transition - L. Loginov and E. Koloshkin (Gazprom Export): General and Contractual Risks of Hydrogen Decarbonization
27th WS2 Meeting
December 7, 2018, Brussels
- A. Konoplyanik (Gazprom export,
Co-chair WS2) & W. Boltz (Co-chair WS2): Proposal for a Roadmap for coordination ofEU-Russia activities to help achieve full decarbonisation of EU energy, incl. decarbonisation of gas sector - R. Dickel (OIES): Reflections on recent discussions. The need / opportunity to complement renewables by decarbonised gas
O. Aksyutin, A. Ishkov, K. Romanov (Gazprom): Potential of natural gas decarbonization. Russian view of the
cross-border gas value chain - J. Ingwersen (ENTSOG): Role of gas in decarbonizing EU energy sector
A. Semenov (Gazprom): Looking for a rational solution for all along the
cross-border gas supply chain -
J. Scott (Eurogas):
Long-term perspectives on the role of gas(es) in the EU decarbonisation - G. Linke (DVGW): Hydrogen integration in natural gas grids: quantitative assessment of its carbon footprint, technical feasibility and economic rationale
- T. Constantinescu (European Commission): Hydrogen and sectoral integration
- F. Marko (BMNT Austria): The Hydrogen Initiative — Hydrogen Vision for Europe
33rd round of Informal Consultations & 26th WS2 Meeting
July 10, 2018,
- O. Aksyutin (Gazprom): Future role of gas in the EU. Gazprom’s vision of
low-carbon Energy future. - S. Komlev (Gazprom Export): Hydrogen Would Prefer Russian Pipeline Gas
- A. Semenov (Gazprom): The role of gas in the European energy system. Decarbonization strategies of energy companies.
- R. Dickel (OIES/Energy Consulting):Gas vs REN / EE in Germany
- W. Groenendijk (Gasunie): Exploring the role of hydrogen in the future energy mix
- I. Gudkov (Gazprom): New Security of Supply Regulation
- J. Vitovsky (ENTSOG): Incremental capacity — will market driven investments survive?
32nd round of Informal Consultations & 25th WS2 Meeting
May 3, 2018, Brussels
- T. Maes (CEER): Findings from CEER study «Future role of gas» from a Regulatory Perspectives
A. Konoplyanik (
Co-Chair WS2, Gazprom Export): Quo Vadis Final Report: Policy recommendations leave the space for interpretation, thus require clarification - E. Brutin (National Grid): The changing UK power mix & the future of gas
- A. Gnatyuk (Gazprom Export): Natural gas survival strategy: is carbon tax a solution?
- K. Romanov (Gazprom): Reduction of methane emissions: Russian case
- C. Cuijpers (CEER): New EU Gas SoS Regulation
31st round of Informal Consultations & 24th WS2 Meeting
December 1, 2017, Vienna
- S. Pavlov (Gazprom): Pressure at RUS/UKR border; state of play
- J. Ingwersen (ENTSOG): Update on the results of the Madrid Forum
- K. Kovacs (European Commission): 'Quo Vadis' gas market regulatory framework — study on gas market design for Europe
A. Konoplyanik (
Co-Chair WS2, Gazprom Export):'Quo Vadis': Crisis or Opportunity? Russia’s concerns and proposals - A. Gnatyuk (Gazprom Export): Gazprom’s vision of competitive gas market in the EU
- I. Gudkov (Gazprom): New Security of Supply Regulation. Questions and Comments of the Russian side
- D. Leonov (Gazprom): Methane emissions along the gas value chain
- C. McGlade (International Energy Agency): World Energy Outlook 2017
- G. Steiner (CEGH) and B. Cherny (SPIMEX): CEGH and SPIMEX
- D. Leonov (Gazprom): Future role of gas. Questions and dilemmas — but no answers…
30th round of Informal Consultations & 23rd WS2 Meeting
June 27, 2017, Brussels
- J. Ingwersen (ENTSOG):State of play of fact finding on the pressure issues at the UKR/RUS border
W. Boltz / A. Konoplyanik (
Co-Chairs WS2): Achievements (overview) and selection of proposals for future work - A. Tricas (EC): The alternate fuel directive — regarding gas — Introduction of the objectives and the plans for implementation
- C. Heidrecheid (ENTSOG): TYNDP 2017 — Outlook on the development of the gas transportation network in the Balkans
D. Udalov (
GP-Brussels ): Que Vadis EU gas market regulatory framework — Study on a Gas Market Design for Europe
Workshop «In the search of an efficient EU gas market model»
Representative Office of PJSC Gazprom in Belgium
May 30, 2017, Brussels
- A. Konoplyanik (Gazprom export): In the search of an efficient EU gas market model: Que Vadis (introductory remarks of the moderator)
- S. Komlev (Gazprom export): Quality Check for Prices on European Gas Hubs
- A. Zhur (Gazprom export): Gas market design for Europe
- R. Dickel (Oxford Institute of Energy Studies): Gas Pricing? It’s the Resource Rent!
The keynote speaker was Dr. Sergey Komlev (Head of Department on contract structuring and price formation, Gazprom export LLC) who discussed the following questions:
- Has natural gas become an independent commodity on European gas hubs whose price is driven only by fundamentals of its own market?
- What makes European gas prices dependent on oil indexes?
long-term supply contracts with flexibility compatible with hub prices?
29th round of Informal Consultations & 22nd WS2 Meeting
February 14, 2017, Vienna
- A. Krutko (Gazprom Export): Transportation contracts and IPs
Muller-Syring (DBI): Carbon Footprint of Natural Gas - M. Kuhn (GP — Germania), K. Romanov (Gazprom): Comments on the DBI study and further joint actions proposals on carbon track
- G. Steiner (CEGH): Cooperation SPIMEX — CEGH
- B. Cherniy (SPIMEX): SPIMEX: key performance indicators
A. Konoplyanik (Gazprom Export): Gazprom
long-term positioning on internal and external markets: current and new production basins and related transportation infrastructure development. Preamble: 'Matrix effect' for Russian gas export strategy to the EU -
D. Leonov (Gazprom): Gazprom
long-term positioning on internal and external markets - T. Shtilkind (Russian Energy Agency): REMIT provisions and Russian Concerns
- A. Aksenov (Gazprom Export): How to Resolve REMIT Reporting Problems: View from Gazprom Export
- R. Dickel (Energy Consulting / OIES): Exchange of information: the case of Norway
28th round of Informal Consultations & 21st WS2 Meeting
October 21, 2016,
- J. Ingwersen (ENTSOG): Results of Madrid Forum
J. Vitovsky (ENTSOG), T. L’Eglise (Fluxys): Final results of the
ENTSOG-managed «Reality check» of Incremental process -
T. Maes (CREG): Final CAM NC INC as approved by the Gas Committee on
13.10.2016 - A. Medvedev (Gazprom): Comparative results of three GPE gas auctions 2015–2016
A. Konoplyanik (Gazprom Export): Transit risk minimization instruments for Russian gas suppliers through Ukraine to the EU: arguments of the
resource-owning sovereign state — and the motives of the opponents - I. Gudkov (Gazprom): Gas transit risks in Ukraine: political and legal dimensions
- W. Boltz (EU): Remit: issue of adequacy of information exchange (EU view)
27th round of Informal Consultations & 20th WS2 Meeting
July 1, 2016, Vienna
- J. Vitovsky, ENTSOG: EU draft legislation on Incremental Capacity (Network Codes on Incremental Capacities and Tariffs): Update on current status of the
ENTSOG-managed 'Reality check' of Incremental process -
S. Komlev and A. Gnatyuk, Gazprom Export: The future of
long-term contaracts and pricing Russian gas in Eyrope (continaution of the discussion) — LTCs: the realuty of margins distribution in the EU gas market -
D. Leonov, Gazprom, and N. Sudarev, Gazprom Germany:
COP-21 targets: the role of natural gas in Decarbonazation and Sustainability of the EU economy - K. Romanov, Gazprom: The role of Natural Gas in Decorbonization and Sustainability
26th round of Informal Consultations & 19th WS2 Meeting
April 22, 2016, Vienna
PROGRAM (+list of participants)
- K. Kovacs, European Commission and A. Krutko, Gazprom Export: Legacy capacity contracts vs. reverse flows on pipelines with these contracts: what still prevent to conclude interconnection agreements in
South-East Europe and what could be done about this: (i) view of EU/NRAs, (ii) view of Gazprom export -
J. Vitovsky, ENTSOG et al: EU draft legislation on incremental capacities (Network Codes on Incremental Capacities and on Tariffs): first results of the
ENTSOG-managed «Reality check» on Network Codes on Incremental Capacities on «realistic project» -
A. Konoplyanik, Gazprom Export, and A. Barnes, Gazprom Marketing and Trading: Proposal for a joint regulat «horizontal» overview and
cross-check analysis of the new (planned / intended to be devepoled) and already being developed EUgas-related regulatory acts (further to the Third EU Energy Package, Energy Union and other key EUenergy-related initiatives) with possible critical effect on the current and future Russian / Gazprom gas supplies to the EU: (i) the EU view on the key points for Russia / Gazprom consideration, and (ii) Russia / Gazprom view on key risks and uncertainties for Russia / Gazprom’s supplies to the EU -
A. Konoplyanik, Gazprom Export: 20% quota vs seasonal fluctuations (where available capacity for
short-term users can come from) -
D. Leonov, Gazprom, and N. Sudarev, Gazprom Germany: Main matters of concern for Russia / Gazprom in some key new EU
gas-related documents under discussion — unclear aspects of the suggested regulations and possible contradictory signals to the market including an unclear role of gas in the EU economy decarbonization: (i) Gas SoS Regulation (16/02/2016 Reform of Regulation 994/2010/EC), (ii) LNG Storage Strategy (16/02/2016 'Winter package»)
25th round of Informal Consultations & 18th WS2 Meeting
January 22, 2016, Vienna
PROGRAM(+list of participants)
- K. Kovacs, European Commission: Way forward for Network Codes on Incremental Capacities and on Tariffs
А. Konoplyanik, Gazprom Export and W. Boltz,
E-Control : New draft EU regulation for new transportation capacity: «Reality Check» proposal for CAM NC INC Art. 20 (d) - R. Dickel: LTICs and Hub Pricing
- S. Komlev, Gazprom Export: Whether Trade at EU Hubs Adequately Reflects Gas Price for the Whole EU Gas Market?
24th round of Informal Consultations & 17th WS2 Meeting
November 30, 2015, Vienna
PROGRAM(+list of participants)
- S. Komlev, Gazprom Export: Pipeline LTCs in the 'New World' of European Natural Gas
W. Boltz,
E-Control : The future of LT contracts and pricing Russian gas in Europe -
W. Boltz,
E-Control : Legacy capacity contracts and why reverse flow on pipelines with these contracts is a problem - A.Rybnikov, CJSC 'SPIMEX': Internal Gas market in Russia
W. Boltz,
E-Control : Energy Union - А. Konoplyanik, Gazprom Export and E. Orlova, Foundation 'Institute for Energy and Finance' : Comparison of existing and new options for creating new capacity in EU (CAM NC, Exemptions, PCI/TYNDP
23rd round of Informal Consultations & 16th WS2 Meeting
July 22, 2015, Vienna
- А. Konoplyanik, Gazprom Export: Draft vision/proposal on how WS2GAC expert group can best effectively compare existing and new options for creating new gas transportation capacity in EU in the given circumstances.
- NC CAM Incremental capacity
- O. Lebois, ENTSOG: TYNDP 2015–2035
W. Boltz,
E-Control :LNG and storage public consultations as part of the SoS discussion on EU level -
W. Boltz,
E-Control: Energy Union Update
22nd round of Informal Consultations & 15th WS2 Meeting
May 11, 2015, Vienna
- W. Boltz,
E-Control : Update on relevant points discussed at 27th Madrid Forum - S. Kamphues, ENTSOG: Early Warning System Gas Monitoring
- A. Konoplyanik, Gazprom Export: What next after concellation of South Stream and decision on Turkish Stream. Gazprom’s plans and possible EU reaction
- R. Mitschek, OMV: Lessons from past EU pipeline projects: Why projects need to be commercially viable and legally/regulatory sound
W. Boltz,
E-Control : Energy Union
21st round of Informal Consultations & 14th WS2 Meeting
September 22, 2014, Brussels
- O. Lebois, ENTSOG: TYNDP — planned infrastructure in Central and Eastern Europe
- M. Wiekens, ENTSOG: Draft Refined Incremental Proposal
- A. Barnes, Gazprom Marketing & Trading and A. Konoplyanik, Gazprom Export: Key issues to be addressed by new draft Article 20 (h) to ENTSOG CAM Incremental Amendment and their cross reference to specific paragraph of this article
20th round of Informal Consultations & 13rd WS2 Meeting
July 15, 2014, Vienna
- W. Boltz,
E-Control : Gas Target Model update. State of Play - A. Wagner, Wagner, Elbling and Company: Functioning of European Gas Wholesale Markets
A. Wagner, Wagner, Elbling and Company:
Pan-European Gas Price Index - A. Konoplyanik, Gazprom Export and E. Orlova, Foundation 'Institute for Energy and Finance': Gas Transportation Infrastructure Density in the EU: CEE vs NWE
D. Leonov, Gazprom and E. Medvedeva, Gazprom: New European Energy Security Strategy: key
non-EU producer’s vision (preliminary comments) -
A. Zhur, Gazprom: Opinion based on the
In-depth study of European Energy Security accompanying the EC Communication on European Energy Security Strategy - EU Security of gas supply. Potential role of LNG in case of gas flows disruption from Russia