28 June 2016 — Brussels, Belgium
- H. Pollex, ENTSOG: Further development of the Early Warning System (EWS)
- H. Pollex, ENTSOG: Data provision for the Transparency Platform
- H. Pollex, ENTSOG: ENTSOG’s view on the new SoS Regulation — The corridor approach
17 September 2014 — Rome, Italy
- S.Kamphues, ENTSOG: Introduction
- D. Volzone, ENTSOG: Current Transparency Platform and New Transparency Platform
- PRISMA: The Joint European Capacity Platform
A. Yankovskiy, Gazprom: The role of
cross-border energy infrastrucrute in the secure gas supplies to the EU -
v. Podmarkov, Gazprom and N. Arzumanov, Gazprom: Central Gas Control Department of Gazprom - Edigas: Проект Edig@s