Since 2014, meetings of the EU-Russia Gas Advisory Council have not been held in accordance with a political decision of the European Commission. However, intensive consultations, both at the expert and at the semi-official level, continue continuously within the framework of the activities of the GAC Work Streams, first of all, Work Stream on Internal Market Issues (WS2). The Work Stream 2 meetings up to July 2018 were combined with Informal Consultations between Russian and EU representatives on the gas markets regulation. Work Streams 1 and 3 have not met since 2017.
All the meetings and events of the GAC, starting from 2014, including planned, are reflected in the "Work Streams Meetings’ Calendar".
As of 2020, the main topics of the consultations are focused on the role of gas in the low-carbon development of the EU, the formation of hydrogen energy in Europe and Russia, the prospects for decarbonization and carbon regulation in the EU.
In 2011-2013 the meetings of the EU-Russia Gas Advisory Council (GAC) were held on a regular basis (once a quarter). The conclusions as well as the results achieved in the framework of the activities of the Work Streams are discussed at the meetings of the GAC. The meetings of the GAC are chaired by representatives of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Directorate General of the European Commission (EC) for Energy with the participation of the Speakers from the Russian and European sides. After each meeting, the GAC members accept the agreed results.
In total, eight meetings of the GAC were held.
2013 - the third year of the GAC activity
November 19, 2013, Moscow, Russia
The 8th GAC meeting was held under the co-chairmanship of Anatoly Yanovsky and Yury Baron, representing the Russian Ministry of Energy, and Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, representing the European Directorate General for Energy, with participation of the Co-Speakers Vladimir Feigin from the Russian side and Jonathan Stern from the European side.
Outcomes of the 8th GAC meeting (pdf)
The speakers' presentations:
• J. Stern, V. Feigin, GAC Speakers, WS1 chairs: Results of Workstream 1 on Scenarios
• Y. Minullin, expert: Results of Workstream 1 on Scenarios. Contribution by Modeling Subgroup
• J. Stern, Chair of WS1: Results of Workstream1 Workshop on Pricing
• V. Musazzi, T. Shtilkind, WS3: Conclusions of 15 November 2013
• W. Bolts, A. Konoplyanik, Chairs of WS2: WS2 Internal market: Progress report
• J. Stern, V. Feigin, GAC Speakers: Conclusions and Suggested next steps from the 8th GAC meeting
• V. Rusakova, Rosneft Oil Company: Gas-perspective source of growth for Rosneft
• K-D Borchardt, European Commission: Delivering the internal market in electricity and making the most of public interventions
June 14, 2013, Brussels, Belgium
The 7th GAC meeting was held under the co-chairmanship of Yury Baron, Ministry of Energy of Russia, and Philip Lowe, General Director of the EC Directorate General for Energy, with participation of the Speakers Vladimir Feigin from the Russian side Jonathan Stern from the European side.
Outcomes of the 7th GAC meeting (pdf)
January 29, 2013, Vienna, Austria
The 6th GAC meeting was held under the co-chairmanship of Yury Baron, Ministry of Energy of Russia, and J.-A. Vinua, Adviser to the European Commissioner for Energy G. Ettinger, with participation of the Speakers Vladimir Feigin from the Russian side, Jonathan Stern from the European side.
Outcomes of the 6th GAC meeting (pdf)
The speakers' presentations:
• V. Feigin, J. Stern, GAG Speakers, WS1 chairs: WS1 Progress Report and Action Plan
• A. Cirlicova, ENTSOG: PCI Selection Process. Energy Infrastructure Guidelines Regulation
• P. Panousos, ENTSOG: Network Code on Interoperability and Data Exchange Rules
• L. Varro, IEA: World Energy Outlook 2012
• W. Boltz, A. Konoplyanik, Chairs of WS2: 2013 Work Program for WS2
• A. Krist, T. Shtilkind, WS3: Update on WS3 Activities
• J. Stern, V. Feigin, GAC Speakers: Future work of the GAC to Summer 2013 and Beyond: propasols from the Co-Speakers
2012 - the second year of the GAC activity
October 19, 2012, Moscow, Russia
The 5th GAC meeting was held under the co-chairmanship of Anatoly Yanovsky, Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia, and J.-A. Vinua, Acting Director of the European Directorate General for Energy, with participation of the Speakers Vladimir Feigin from the Russian side and Jonathan Stern from the European side.
Outcomes of the 5th GAC meeting (pdf)
The speakers' presentations:
• J. Stern, V. Feigin, the GAC Speakers: Conclusions of "Workstream 1" Scenario Meeting of October 18, 2012
• A.Barnes, Gazprom Marketing and Trading: EU Network Codes - Current Gazprom concerns
• T. Shtilkind, Russian Energy Agency: Workstream 3: what was done after 4th GAC meeting
• S. Komlev, Gazprom Export LLC: Gas pricing principles for European gas markets
• J.-A. Vinois, European Commission-Energy: GAC - reflection on way forward
July 20, 2012, Brussels, Belgium
The 4th GAC meeting was held under the co-chairmanship of Yury Baron, the Russian Ministry of Energy, and Phillip Lowe, General Director of the EC Directorate General for Energy, with participation of the Speakers Vladimir Feigin from the Russian side and Jonathan Stern from the European side.
Outcomes of the 4th GAC meeting (pdf)
The speakers' presentations:
• Vladimir Feigin, the Speaker from the Russian side: Presentation on the draft Gas Chapter, role of scenarios in the Gas Chapter and in Cooperation Roadmap as a whole (Part 2)
April 25, 2012, Vienna, Austria
The 3rd GAC meeting was held under the chairmanship of Yury Baron, Ministry of Energy of Russia, and Phillip Lowe, General Director of the EC Directorate General for Energy, with participation of the Speakers Vladimir Feigin from the Russian side and Jonathan Stern from the European side.
Outcomes of the 3rd GAC meeting (pdf)
The speakers' presentations:
• V. Feigin, Ya. Minullin, Yu. Rykov, experts from the Russian side: An analysis of the "EU Energy Roadmap 2050" Documents
• Yu. Baron, V. Feigin, T. Shtilkind, experts from the Russian side: Developing the Roadmap of the EU-Russia Energy Cooperation until 2050
• Nigel Sisman, ENTSOG: Development and content of the final CAM Network Cod
• Walter Boltz, A. Konoplyanik, Chairs of WS2: Progress report on activities and material results achieved between 2nd and 3rd GAC meetings
• Incremental capacity development. Status of regulators' work and perspectives
• GRTgas: Open seasons between France and neighboring countries
January 24, 2012, Vienna, Austria
The 2nd GAC meeting was held under the co-chairmanship of Yu. Baron, Ministry of Energy of Russia, and Ph. Lowe, Director General of the EC Directorate General for Energy, with participation of the Speakers Vladimir Feigin from the Russian side and Jonathan Stern from the European side.
Outcomes of the 2nd GAC meeting (pdf)
2011 - the first year of the GAC activity
October 17, 2011, Vienna, Austria
The 1st GAC meeting was held under the chairmanship of Anatoly Yanovsky, Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia, and Phillip Lowe, General Director of the EC General Directorate for Energy.
The members of the Council agreed on the rules of procedure, and also appointed the Speakers: from the Russian side - Vladimir Feigin, from the EU side - Jonathan Stern.
Outcomes of the 1st GAC meeting (pdf)