Marcel Salikhov, Director of the HSE Center for Economic Expertise, predicted a decline in oil prices in 2022 for a REGNUM correspondent.
The OPEC countries will not react to the decision of the US authorities to sell about 20 million barrels of oil on the world market. The director of the Center for Economic Expertise of the Higher School of Economics, Marcel Salikhov, told a REGNUM correspondent about this.
“The OPEC countries understand that the US decision to sell oil from its strategic reserves has been planned for a long time, the volumes are small. The decision is not related to the intention to influence prices, since sales are highly stretched over time, and the effect will be minimal. Therefore, the OPEC countries will not react to these sales in any way in terms of managing their own production volumes, Salikhov said. - At the end of 2021, our forecast for the Brent price is $ 65-70 per barrel. We also expect the decline in oil prices to continue in 2022.”
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