Sergey Kondratiev, Deputy Head of the Economic Department of the Institute for Energy and Finance, commented to the TASS news agency on the purchase of Kvadra by Rosatom's subsidiary.
“In recent years, the main trend in Russian thermal generation has been consolidation and concentration – at present several large holdings operate in the industry, including InterRAO, Gazprom Energoholding and others. The accession of Quadra to Rosatom will allow access to cheaper credit resources, modern management technologies, organize production processes in a new way, reduce emissions and create conditions for increasing operational efficiency - which means ensuring the growth of revenue, profits, tax deductions," Sergey Kondratiev told reporters. In his opinion, the acquisition by Rosatom of control over Quadra could create a new reality for both the state corporation and the Russian power industry. By acquiring Quadra, Rosatom gains access to one of Russia's largest regional heat markets and consolidates its position in heat generation. In fact, Rosatom is also adding a thermal business to its portfolio of assets in nuclear and wind energy. “Perhaps, Quadra will become an “entry point” for Rosatom to the Russian market, and in the future Rosatom will like, for example, the French EdF or the Italian Enel be present in all segments of generation - from gas-fired thermal power plants to wind farms," Kondratiev suggested.

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