HomeMediaLatest NewsThe bill on external management is not relevant for the oil and gas, and coal industries.

The bill on external management is not relevant for the oil and gas, and coal industries.

16 May 2022

Belogoryev Alexey M. Research and Development Director, Director of the Center for Energy strategic analysis and forecasting

Alexey Belogoryev, Deputy Principal Director on Energy Studies of the Institute for Energy and Finance, commented to the internet portal Davydov.Index on the prospects for introducing external management of foreign assets in the Russian fuel and energy complex.

For the oil and gas, and coal industries, this bill is not relevant. The prospects for its application in the fuel and energy complex are mainly in the electric power industry. But I do not think that with respect to Enel Russia, Fortum and Unipro, things will come to the introduction of external management. Rather, companies will take the path of selling their shares to Russian investors as soon as possible, although they will greatly lose in price.

For the fuel and energy complex, this bill is more like insurance in case of an emergency, rather than an ordinary mechanism that will find any wide application. Although its adoption (as a clear risk for investment protection) may accelerate the exit of European companies from the Russian market.

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