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An excessive alarmism or the real situation?

31 December 2020

Ershov Mikhail V. Principal Director on Financial Studies, Head of the Financial Analysis Department

The collection "Conversations on Economics" (Volume 6, 2020) contains speeches on financial and economic problems of Mikhail Ershov, made at discussions and sessions organized by the Free Economic Society of Russia and the International Union of Economists.

Part one:

  • An excessive alarmism or the real situation? (discussion at the presentation of the UN Report “World Economic Situation and Prospects” (DESA), January 22, 2020);

  • A year has passed: what's next? (based on the materials of the Abalkin Readings of the Free Economic Society of Russia, February 5, 2020).

Part two:

  • Domestic demand is a growth driver (based on materials from the DOM E program on OTR TV, August 29, 2019).

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