HomeMediaLatest NewsRosstat has stopped publishing data on oil production

Rosstat has stopped publishing data on oil production

26 April 2023

Salikhov Marcel R. President, Principal Director on Economic Studies, Head of the Economic Department

Marcel Salikhov, President of the Institute for Energy and Finance, commented to RBC on the closure of oil production statistics.

Rosstat removed the line with the index of oil and gas production from the report on the dynamics of industrial production, follows from the March publication.

The disappearance of oil data reflects the general trend towards the closure of statistics in the face of sanctions pressure, Marcel Salikhov believes.

“However, this does not make much sense, and there are negative consequences for the economy. For domestic economic agents, uncertainty increases due to the fact, that what is happening in the economy is becoming less clear. This means an increase in the cost of risk,” he says.

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