Marcel Salikhov, President of the Institute for Energy and Finance, took part in the program "Reflection" on the OTR TV channel, devoted to social gasification.
What new resources and new opportunities have we got for social gasification? After all, we have always been a gas country, for a long time.
Marcel Salikhov:
- In general, Russia has a fairly high level of gasification. And most of the large settlements in which a unified gas supply system operates, are gasified. There are some problems, but, accordingly, most of the country is supplied with gas.
- Now we are talking about increasing the pace of gasification, increasing investments in expanding the gas supply system inside. But we are not talking about the fact that 100% of all households will be gasified, because it often does not make economic sense, that is, some remote settlements where there is no developed gas supply system, it simply does not make sense to gasify.
- A program on social gasification has been adopted, that is, in those settlements where there is gas, citizens will have access to free connection to the borders of their site. Accordingly, the cost of gasification at your site and the installation of gas equipment in your private house will still fall on the shoulders of consumers.
- A single gasification operator has been created. In fact, this is Gazprom, which centralizes all the work, a website called has been launched, where you can enter your locality and, accordingly, calculate the approximate cost of supplying gas, including if a boiler, stove, etc. Accordingly, there you can get an approximate order of costs, and they are often very different from what it was before.
- If earlier tariffs were set at the level of each region, and they were very different, now, in fact, tariff setting is centralized. All information is provided to a single operator. It is clear that there are differences between different regions, and tariffs should be different, but, nevertheless, they should not differ significantly. Maybe by 10-20%, depending on regional conditions, but not in times.
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