Sandy Singh

Market Research Analyst, Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)

Sandy Singh, Market Research Analyst, Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)

Sandy Singh currently holds the position of Market Research Analyst in the Gas Market Analysis Department at the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) in Doha, Qatar. She keeps a very close eye on short-term gas market developments, with a special focus on analyzing the dynamics of gas and LNG prices in order to formulate views on market expectations. Ms. Singh is also responsible for monitoring and analyzing global economic developments, investment trends and inter-fuel competition across various sectors. She has over ten (10) years of experience working in the energy sector.

Prior to this, she worked at the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries in her home country, Trinidad and Tobago, where she developed economic models to evaluate pricing formulae and advised in contract negotiations between the government and IOCs. Sandy holds a B.Sc. in Chemical and Process Engineering (Hons.) from the University of the West Indies and a M.Sc. in Energy Studies with Specialization in Oil and Gas Economics (Distinction) from the University of Dundee.

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