Rykov Yuri G.
Head of the Energy Modelling Sector, Energy Department
The scope of activity — technological development and efficiency in energy sphere, analysis and evaluation of innovative technologies; comparative analysis of the scenarios of world & Russian energy development.
Born in Moscow, 1962. Graduated by Lomonosov Moscow State University, faculty of mechanics and mathematics, PhD in mathematics. Then worked in Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics.
Since 1999 is in energetic field, in particular, worked in ENGO Research Center of Foundation «Business
Selected publications on energy issues:
v. Feygin & Yu. G.Rykov. Russian gas supply and some prospects of small scale LNG units // NATO Science Series, II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 149 (2004), 135 — 156. -
v. Feygin & Yu. G.Rykov. Innovative financial investments in energy sector — Russian perspective // Proceedings of «Energy talks Ossiah’06» (2006), 235 — 242. -
O.Podgornova, A.Myasnikov, K.Bratvedt, Yu. Rykov, E.Koldoba & A.Koldoba. Thermodynamically consistent analytical approach for streamline simulations of multicomponent hydrocarbon reservoirs // SPE 107511, EAGE 69th Conference & Exhibition, London, UK, 11–14 June 2007, 6 p.
H.Mahgerefteh, G.Denton, Yu. Rykov. Pressurized CO2 pipeline rupture // HAZARDS XX — Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 15 — 17 April 2008, Manchester, UK, Symposium Series No. 154 (2008), 869 — 879.
Е. В. Колдоба ,А. В. Колдоба ,А. В. Мясников ,О. В. Подгорнова ,Ю. Г. Рыков . Эффективный термодинамически согласованный подход для эффективного численного моделирования процессов вытеснения нефти // Математическое моделирование, т. 21, вып. 10 (2009), 7 — 18. -
Ю. Рыков, Ю.Черный, В.Фейгин. Отрасли требуется все больше оборудования. Основные направления и тенденции развития технологий и оборудования нефтепереработки в России и мире // Объединенное машиностроение, № 3 03/2010, 8 — 17.