Alexander Shirov

Director of the Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences

Alexander Alexandrovich Shirov, Director of the Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences 

Education and research activities

2020 – as of today: director of the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IEF RAS);

2012-2020 – as of today: deputy director of IEF RAS;

2007 – 2012 head of the Laboratory of IEF RAS;

2003 to 2007: senior researcher at IEF RAS;

1999-2003: postgraduate study of IEF RAS, specialty - economics and management of national economy;

1997-2000: Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, diploma of higher education in the specialty world economy.


Scientific specialization

Macroeconomic analysis and forecasting

Low-carbon development strategy

Analysis of inter-industry interactions

Justification of measures in the field of economic policy

Sectoral modeling and forecasting

Analysis and forecasting of foreign economic relations

Development of multi-level settlement systems based on input-output economic models

Work activity   

From 1998 to the present: Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Academic degrees and titles

PhD (Economics) (2003)

Doctor of Sciences (Economics) (2016)

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2018)

Member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2019)

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