The Institute possesses by extensive experience in predictive modeling of energy markets.

Main projects implemented in recent years:

  • an analysis and forecast modeling of demand for gas and other fuel & energy resources (electricity, coal, oil, gas, renewables) in China and India (2019);
  • a scenario analysis of the long-term world energy development (2017–2019);
  • an analysis of the current state and prospects for the offshore wind generation development, including floating wind farms (2019);
  • a forecast modeling of gas demand and supply development in Europe in the period up to 2050 (2013–2015).

In addition to its own calculations, the Institute carries out monitoring and comprehensive comparative studies of scenario forecasts for the long-term world energy development, elaborated by leading international, national and corporate research centers.

Of particular interest to us is a comprehensive critical analysis of current low-carbon forecasts (scenarios) for the world energy development in terms of the completeness and quality of their public justification, internal consistency of key forecast parameters, technological, socio-economic and political conditions, the fulfillment of which is required for implementation of the considered low-carbon forecasts (scenarios) and possible socio-economic consequences of their implementation.

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